Wednesday, September 22, 2010

review: The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, and June by Robin Benway

pub date: August 3, 2010
publisher: Razerbill
pgs: 281
content: underage drinking, swearing (including the f-bomb)

blurb from goodreads:
Around the time of their parents’ divorce, sisters April, May, and June recover special powers from childhood—powers that come in handy navigating the hell that is high school. Powers that help them cope with the hardest year of their lives. But could they have a greater purpose?

April, the oldest and a bit of a worrier, can see the future. Middle-child May can literally disappear. And baby June reads minds—everyone’s but her own. When April gets a vision of disaster, the girls come together to save the day and reconcile their strained family. They realize that no matter what happens, powers or no powers, they’ll always have each other. Because there’s one thing stronger than magic: sisterhood.

Isn't the cover awesome? Though not how I pictured the sisters looking, it is definitely very beautiful and eye catching.

I loved the writing in this book. Three distinct sisters with very different personalities and voices. The pov of the chapters rotate between the three, and they all have a different perspective on what is going on. They're also just like normal sisters: they fight, protect, and love each other. I could relate to all of them at different times. I mean, who needs a superpower to feel different or strange?

Each sister has their own story going on, but the main overarching plot of the book is this disaster that April sees in the future and she is hell bent on making sure it doesn't happen. She's the older sister and she just wants to protect her family. But in trying to do so there are of course misunderstanding and tempers flair. It's a fun book. It has a good pace and a lot of character.

May's my favorite sisters. She's sarcastic, funny, and angsty. Though I liked the other two, they got annoying at times.

There were even a few sweet kisses at the end. And I like kissing.


Autumn said...

I think this book looks so good. I can't wait to read it!

From the TBR Pile

resugo said...

It is really fun. I hope you enjoy it when you do get a chance to read it