Thursday, April 14, 2011

review: Eona: The Last Dragoneye by Alison Goodman

pub date: April 19, 2011
publisher: Penguin
pages: 656
source: ALA Midwinter
appeals: dragons, adventure, war, romance, fantasy
content: very gritty--for older teens. There wasn't sex or swearing, just harsh life situations and war and torture and death

I enjoyed Eon: Dragoneye Reborn. I LOVED Eona: The Last Dragoneye. Loved, loved, LOVED this book. It was so awesome and exciting. Sadness that it's over.  Though I'm really glad it was only a two book series. (1200 pages between them would be enough for five).

Again, I was just amazed by the world building. It fits seemlessly in with the first in the series, Eon, and expands and builds upon the previous story. Eon took place in the capital. This takes place all over the kingdom. We learn so much more about the dragons and Eona's past and her swords and the folios.  

There was also some romance going on here. It was the strangest love triangle I've ever read. I hope that doesn't stop anyone from reading the book, because it was so much more/different then just love. Maybe more of a power triangle? "Love" triangles get on my nerves at times, but this one didn't at all. And it was a lot because of Eona. She was attracted to the men for very different reasons and her feelings were never in question.

It was interesting to see the development of some relationships, and the disintegration of others. Eona has this power, and some people like it and want it, others don't. Relationships that Eona values are put to the test, and some fail. Which was really sad.

Unlike in the first book, Eona was very intellent. She had this internal battle between power and compassion. The tug-a-war, the shifting view of her power was interesting to read. She made me proud. Even as she struggled and sometimes failed, I loved it. I loved her. 

The characters, all of them, were very real to life. Even when I wanted them to behave differently, they behaved like they would in life if they were real. Which was awesome.

Did you notice how many pages this book is? It's HUGE. That is because it takes so long for things to happen. There is a daring rescue that starts on page 243 (of the ARC) and ends on page 337 (of the ARC). One hundred pages for a rescue. It is a very daring rescue and things don't go exactly as planned. But the point is, NOTHING happens quickly in this book (or in Eon, for that matter). I did get impatient at times because I wanted things to happen faster, but I never got bored or felt that the story was dragging or that there was too much description (though there was a lot). I'm just an impatient reader.

I actually wanted more when I finished it. After all that, it just sort of ended and I wanted more of a conclusion. Though honestly, it didn't need one. I wanted more of the world, the characters, the dragons.

Okay, enough ramblings. Just an encouragment: You should pick up these books. They're AWESOME!

In this standalone sequel to Eon: Dragoneye Reborn, Australian author Alison Goodman (Singing the Dogstar Blues) tracks the perilous adventures of Eona, the first female Dragoneye in many centuries. Unfortunately, our heroine finds no time to rest on her laurels: She and her fellow rebels are racing frantically to find a potent black folio while they also attempt to elude High Lord Sethon's pursuing army. Eona: The Last Dragoneye brims with romance, suspense, and surprises. Definitely worth recommending.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

was kygo and eona together in the end?